dragging this into my future? I was dating this guy for about 2 years. I was a virgin when I was dating him. He was the furthest thing away from a virgin. When we first started dating all he tried doing was getting into my pants. After a while he realized that he wasnt going to get in them and stopped trying but continued dating me. The thing is he would do this thing when everything seemed fine in our relationship, he would randomly just stop calling. He wouldnt call me for maybe a couple weeks, or couple months. When he'd call me back though he'd act as though nothing had happened.

Throughout the 2 years we dated he did this to me 5 different times. When he'd finally call me back and id confront him he'd make up some lie about how he couldnt call. I couldnt call him during these "eposides" because often I didnt have his number since he was in/out of group homes, living with friends, he was flighty. It was like torture when he'd do that "not calling thing". I would first panic that something happened to him and then feel stupid when id find out he was fine. It was also hard not knowing whether he'd ever call me back and when he would.

I now find it hard when im dating a guy and he says "ill call you tomorrow" i panic if they dont call on time and always assume the worst (like they wont ever call) When they call me back I then will put my guards up and push them away without even knowing it. I'll say things like "its not like you had to call me im totally fine"

Why would my EX do this to me? Cheating?
How do I get over dragging this into all my future relationships?