Do the actions of the current government seem backwards to you?
Spending billions of dollars to bail out corporate greed! When there are people standing in line at the soup kitchen. Neighbors going bankrupt for an unforeseen health problem. Health Insurance is a BASIC HUMAN RIGHT! Why do politicians get free health care, yet deny it to the masses?
Many no longer able to afford a roof over their head.
How do they continue to get away with it?
My theory is that we are all so politically numb, our only choice is to worry about #1. Hopeless people don't get together and don't vote. But voting is only a very small part of this equation. Where is the weak link in this machine that runs(ruins) our future and the future of mankind?
There was no debt 100 years ago. Now its Trillions of dollars.
How can this be? Taxes seem to be so high, yet so many things in this country are neglected. It makes me sick!
How do you hold he who make the rules accountable for this blatant disregard for what the people want.
Did you get a vote on the bailout? War? Why NOT?

The corruption is obvious. Isn't it?
Thank You for the time to rant a little.
I look forward to hearing from you all.