needed his guidance? I'm considering going to speak with him but don't want to seem like a freak. Over the last six months i have slowly developed the ability to predict events, or become aware of them prior to actually finding out about them. At first it was petty stuff, kind of funny to be honest something I ignored, lately it's gotten more serious. Yesterday a girl I haven't seen in ten years came to my mind so much, i entered three different google searches to find her to see why I couldn't shake her name from my head. I couldn't find anything, but then yesterday afternoon while flipping through the paper her face was there looking at me as big as day she was killed in a car wreck a couple of days ago... I do not want to have any special abilities, it's freaking me out, I already feel like I have been put on this earth for a reason, but not this reason. How can I force them to stop... and no i am not going to embrace them cause if I see my own demise i'll freak out.