I'm in an empty Sam's Club where there are empty aisles everywhere. Then I see a woman. I want to find out what is going on so I run after her, but she is running away from me. Then when I finally get closer I ask her who she was. Then she turns around...who do I see but someone with my face? But I knew she was Kalikadevi....with her eyes bulged out and in a hypnotical voice she says, "I have many names." And then she turns and runs away and I continue to chase her. Then I wake up because I dreadfully frightened of her....honestly, she scares me...I mean, c'mon! the way she's depicted is really scary and has always scared me since I was a little kid! =[ ...even now as I type this up, I'm scared she might show up though I don't believe in Hinduism and the only Gods I believe in are those whose evidence I acknowledge (Krishna, Jesus, Mohammed--I think Mohammed was God but not everyone else does, Allah, Buddah, and maybe Shiva) and I don't believe Goddesses ever existed because I don't accept whatever "evidence" that people might have that suggest that they do. So what does my dream mean?!?!?!...and no I don't think it's that she's trying to prove that she's real.