Me: female, in university for polisci, took some fencing classes in summer

I'm at my old high school [it's much larger though], running around searching for something. I get to the front, when suddenly a guy i used to be close friends gets thrown out of a moving van. Everyone appears shocks but no one goes to him. I run to him and he's pail and shaking. Suddenly, for some reason, it becomes clear to me that there is a group of young men going around kidnapping high school students and torturing them for sport.

So JUMP CUT, my dad [who isn't actually my dad but an actor playing my dad...random] is taking me to Fencing [swords] class. We're late. I run in and just as I sit down with the rest of my classmates [they all are in full uniform and gear. i am not prepared], the fencing instructor pulls out a gun and begins shooting everyone. I manage to hide under the table from him and then escape.
I think he may have been one of the van guys.

I rush out of the school and run into the front parking lot. Suddenly 'the van' swerves in front of me. The men grab me and throw me in. I'm in the back of the van and can't see anything. I manage to escape the moving van, but when i get out, i'm suddenly in the suburb i lived in when i went to elementary school [a place i really hated]. I run and run but only make it like four meters before i run out of breath. I'm completely exhausted and collapse behind a tree, hoping it'll hide me.

It doesn't. The men find me jump out of the van. Suddenly, they have my mom. She's on her knees, crying. They have a gun to her head and tell me they're going to kill her in front of me. That's how they've decided to torture me.

A noise comes from behind them. They look over. I pick up a cigarette and wave it at all of them. It doesn't do anything. I ask my mom, "How do i kill them?" She says, " Just hit it."
I hit the cigarette at each of them, and bullets come out and kill them all.

I wake up.

So.....what the eff......any ideas?