Last night I had one of the weirdest and most vivid dreams of my life. I dreamed that I was on my couch and a wild squirrel started to somewhat attack me, never hurting me just annoying me and like jumping on me. After a while I noticed that the squirrel actually wanted my attention and started tugging on my finger. I eventually went with the squirrel to see what it wanted but it just wanted me to get off the couch so it could tear it up. When I knew what it was at I decided to get rid of it so I caught it with my hands and brought it out side however when I went back into the house I noticed that I actually broke the door frame and now the door would not completely close right and left little gaps in the door. Eventually the wild squirrel got back in but instead of attacking the couch it just started annoying me a lot by chasing me around and jumping at me. Trying to get rid of the squirrel I ran outside and it chased me. I grabbed a water hose and started spraying the squirrel and it stopped somewhat and seemed to just like being sprayed by the water hose. This is where I woke up. Any idea what this could me? Thanks in advance for your help.