Well. Lately I've been having this dream about this guy I used to talk to/know. The first dream I had about him was basically him trying to tell me he liked me at a theme park? But my cousin pulled me away for a stupid reason, but the whole time the guy I dreamt about was smiling at me. The second time, I guess I got out of school really really late like, around night time and he was just sitting outside of the school for some reason with two of his friends. I was trying to find my grandma's car because she usually picks me up, but when I turned the corner there was this really creepy guy smiling at me and walking my way. So I ran back in the other direction towards where the boy is and I'm like, 'Can I hang around with you guys for a bit? There's this creepy guy over there and-'. The boy cut me off and he's like sure. So all four of us started walking and he wrapped his arm around me and he was about to say something until some loud noise outside woke me up. Could these dreams mean something?