So I had a nightmare last night about this cat who kept meowing to get inside my apartment everyday; it kept scratching the door, and it eventually got in somehow (even though my door is locked shut), I don't know. I, being allergic, pushed the cat back outside, and it again did the same thing above.

One day in the early dawn (in my dream), it came back again as expected, but this time its legs and paws were chopped off, and it was all bloody. It was mewling loudly, but the strangest thing was that its meows sounded realistically like a human's screams. My dream-self was also screaming, and eventually my neighbor took the cat and did something with it, and returned with a DVD, I don't know what it contains since I woke up from that horrible dream!

Please, please someone tell me what does this mean? I rarely get nightmares!

No dumb answers, please...