It scared me so much, I woke up in a panic attack over it. The memory I have of it is kind of blurry, but, I remember it took place in some kind of store and there was a lot of people there with me. Anyway, this man said he'd press a button and kill everyone if someone didn't answer this math question right.

So, somehow I was the one chosen to do it, and I was panicking (I am bad at math in real life).. so these people were trying to teach me how to solve the math problem, but it was like none of what they were telling me was sinking in with me.. so I ran away. and then the next day or something, I went and hid in this bed thinking this man that was gonna kill everyone would not find me, I hid in stuffed animals on this bed or something.. but he came in the room and found me and said I had a few hours left to go

so I felt like I had no choice but to jump out of the window and run away to call the police since I knew I could not solve this math problem and everyone would die, so then I found myself trying to run up this hill it was slow as molasseses, I couldn't move very fast up it.. I felt so terrified throughout this dream, then I woke up, like I said kind of in a panic attack, with my muscles tight and heart racing..

What could it have all meant? Anyone know?