I had a really weird dream last night. There's this boy from my class and for some reason in the dream I was kinda like in love with him (though in real life I don't really like him but I don't hate him either, he's just one of my classmates) We were having something like a class gathering and we were all sitting at a big table.I was talking to my friends then suddenly turned and saw that he was sitting next to me. Then he grabbed me and leaned like he wanted to kiss me but at the last second he whispered in my ear something like "I know that you want me" (I can't recall his exact words) I just sat there still like I was in a shock state but in my head I was screaming "tell him you like him as well!!" but I just couldn't say anything, then after about a minute he let go of me and I started to cry hysterically. My friends all thought that he has said he was going to rape me or something like that and tried to comfort me.... throughout the whole dream I couldn't speak like I was in some weird emotional state but in my mind I was just fine. Then suddenly I got a text message (it was from him) and he asked why didn't I react when clearly I felt the same way..... the last thing I did was to write I'm so sorry....and then I woke up I couldn't even see how I was going to finish that message.. and the whole thing it was like that wasn't me like I was just watching some other person experience those things, damn it I'm so confused It's weird because I usually don't dream I have like 2 or 3 dreams a year and most of the time I fight with some monsters and then just die(yeah most of them end like that) and this one was so different and confusing and I don't even know why I dreamt of that guy when I clearly don't even like him :/ someone care to explain why I got that dream?