So yesterday I was thinking about my faith (or lack of), angels, etc. I was reading about how people ask their angels for help and guidance. I have always struggled with my fate but want to believe, I just have so many questions. I have been having a hard time in my life lately and that's why I was looking into faith, religion and angels. Anyway, last night I had a dream I was at the house I grew up in. Someone (didn't see a face and didn't feel that I knew this person but wasn't afraid) was there telling me I had 5 people watching over me. I asked where, they said over your shoulder, look. When I would look, I would see this flash of white light. I questioned the person again, where. They said, over your shoulder, hurry and look quickly. I looked again, another bright white flashed. I looked back in the person's direction and white light started to grow larger....I remember feeling scared and asking what is happening, am I going to die soon?? I don't remember the person responding, then I woke up. I felt scared and out of breath. I had this kind of chilling feeling washing over my body...not the comforting feeling many have described after seeing this "white light". Anybody have any ideas as to the symbolism of this dream?

Please keep immature answers/responses to yourself. Serious responses are appreciated!