I have dreams that allow me to see thing's from the future. But, when I wake up I forget about them until I see them in real life. One of my coaches got Pregnant and had a boy son. I had a dream about them having a baby boy with blonde hair and blue eyes. Which ended up being up what he looked like. The picture that they showed me, was the picture that I had a dream about. When I see things like pictures I recognize them. Without knowing even knowing the people. I can guess what there names are like if i look at a guy I can just think of his name. And know who he is instantly. And, this is really freaking me out. Is there a way I could make it stop? Has this ever happened to you?

And, two nights ago I saw three girls and one boy that will get cancer and will die. I forgot there names. But, could this also be a dream or vision type thing. I can remember what they looked like and everything. But, then again I could just have been dreaming