I wonder if someone will pick up the Lord of the Rings trilogy a few thousand years from now and think that a long time ago the world was actually covered in dragons, orcs, and hobbits.
Because some people take the Bible literally and it is just a book. I wonder if the same will happen for some of the classics we read today.
If you could pick a book or movie that the future world would think our life is like, what would it be?
"Well, someone has to go the 'middle earth' to do the archaeology. But you can do archeaology in Israel."
Ok so erosion and tectonic shifting has changed the maps and the name "Middle-Earth" has been lost over the years.
Alright, I'm just gonna reply to everything en masse since a separate reply for everything would be a pain.

The Exodus has been disproven. There is no record of a massive slave uprising in Ancient Egypt, and these are the people that recorded *everything*
Also, Many of my books come with maps. A lot of Matthew Rielly stuff has maps, and the LotR devotes like 4-5 pages to maps.
Anyway, I'm not saying anything about the bibles factual basis, That's not even the question.