It was for told that in the year 2012, that a evil king will take over the world.
But on the night of the fourth full moon of that very same year. A baby will be born. And he shall be named William. He shall be raised as a simple farmer. But on the day of his 18 birth day, his family will be killed, his house burned to the ground, and everything he loved will be taken away from him by the king.
That night in his dream, a woman will appear. She shall tell him how to kill the king, and save the world.
After three years of war, William and his army will march to the king's castle. After a day of battle, William shall march into the castle alone.

He will then use a bomb to make the castle collapse, destroying the king. But at the same time killing the hero.
The world slowly rebuild itself, as it was before the king. and peace will be restored.