Okay. This has been happening to me for well over two years now. I must add that I smoke marihuana frequently, and this could have something to do with my crazy dreams?
Well, Let me explain. Mostly every night when I go to sleep I experience very vivid and clear dreams. Some of which I wake up from startled that it was just a dream. All of my dreams end horribly. Death, corruption, incarceration.
but here is where it gets weird. I can remember my dreams as if I have lived that moment already. (deja vu some might call it) Except I can almost change what I'm about to do.
For instance. I went to Detroit for a concert last year. My friends and I decided it would be a good time to get drunk, wander around detroit for a few hours and then go to the show. Well, I was a minor at the time, as were the people I was with. Well, detroit is a big city, so we were trying to find ways to keep the alcohol hidden, but still in plain sight. Well, as we're walking to the venue, I almost, disconnect from reality...it's hard to explain. but my mind went back into a dream I had...and in my mind, I pictured me, walking around a corner in the front of our group only to have a police officer on the other side stop us and jail us. I quickly came back too and i was honestly scared to go around the corner. I stopped in my tracks and let everyone go ahead of me. There was no cop around the corner when I made it around.

My deja vu dreams always end in the worst possible way. But when I experience them in life, they are the total opposite. It's like I subconsciously change the sequence of events in my life. I will do something different than I do in the deja vu dream, and it will cause the event to end in a different manner.

I may sound crazy to some of you right now. But this has been going on for years now. I don't understand it. but it's been working to my advantage for the past two years. I'm just wondering if there is something special going on in my head, and if there is any way to actually practice and harness this "ability."

Quite frankly. This whole situation really freaks me out.