what does it mean? I just had a weird nightmare..... From time to time Id have a dream about ghosts haunting my house, My house being a haunted house
Ghosts trying to trap me, Demons dragging me to hell etc..............

So Tonight I had this one dream....... In my dream Im stuck in my Room in my house..... Theirs a power outtage...... Im walking out of my room all of a sudden the door slams shut... I try to open it but I cant and it gets Really Cold Like I literally feel cold in the dream. And Something Tugs on my Right arm I turn around and nothing is there........... I then see a shadow on the corner of my left eye that quickly appears then disappears.

Then Theirs one window in my Room irl I try anything I can to break the window so I can escape But the window wont break. I cant Scream in my dream tho cause I was so scared of wat I just saw and wat was happening. I punch the window as hard as I can but I break my knuckles instead of the window.

Then I turn around in my room to grab a chair to throw at the window in my dream then theirs this white Ghost form appearing Slowly Then all of a sudden I wake up Screaming and at the same time Im cold and sweating..... Why did I have a dream like that and wake up the way I did?

PS: IM 18 I dont do drugs no stupid answers.