Ok I have tried to post this question FOUR TIMES! Every time I am about done my kitten steps on my keyboard, and the whole paragraph erases. Ok I keep having the same dream about a red/orange fiery planet. The first time I dreamed about it, I was at my house looking out my living room window. I saw the planet in the sky, and then a plane swooped down, and started spraying this gas stuff. My mom started saying it was death gas, and we all started to suffocate. I woke up. The second time I dreamed about it was two weeks ago. I was playing laser tag with my friends, and my grandma called me, and told me to look outside. I looked, and I saw the planet. Then god started talking to me, and telling me the world was about to end, and I needed to set things straight. I went home to die, but my dad said it might not happen. A lighting bolt flashed, and the planet went away. I woke up. The third time was last night. I was at the park with my friends, and the sky got all cloudy, and pink. When the clouds cleared the planet was visible. Crazy weather started happening, and my dad said my mom might be right about the world ending this time. I told myself I was ready to die, and I wasn't scared, but the world didn't end, and I woke up. These dreams are really starting to freak me out, and I don't want to sleep as much anymore for fear I might dream about the planet again. I have read up on recurring dreams, and I haven't had one since I was six. The last time I had a recurring dream before this, I dreamed about going to a magic world in the sky lol. Well I really need someones help on what my dream can mean, A.S.A.P.