If someone could interpret this I would be really grateful:
So in real life I'm a teenage girl, but in my dream I was an old woman, and I was on the banks of a river with my two little grandchildren. They wanted me to pick these really ripe berries that were way up in the trees on the banks of the river, and we had this really tall, rickety ladder that you could use to climb up there. I didn't want them to climb up there because they were so young, I thought they would fall or hurt themselves. So I started climbing up the ladder, which was really unsafe and my grandchildren kept forgetting to support the ladder, so I was swaying a lot. I finally got some of the berries that they wanted, so I threw them down to them, but they kept running away and getting distracted and even though I had gotten them what they wanted they never took the berries.

Thats when I woke up! I think this is a really interesting dream so if someone could tell me what it could mean I would be really happy! Thanks!