...his predisposition in life? my husband seems has no future plans for me and our kids. how can i change his predisposition in life?...i am the one telling him that he should plan this or that...he doesn't have the initiative to think of what to prepare for the future..for example, he wants our baby to be baptized but he does not plan how to save money or how to earn one to finance the event...even in little things... it is a necessity that in a family, the parents or the bread winners should always have food in the ref or should do some grocery for the week...my husband does not bother to think if we have money to fill the fridge..he just waits for me to do the thinking and to provide money...he has a job but his pay is just enough to pay our 2 maids..we can't have no maids since both of us are working and we have 3 kids (one of which is a baby)....there are offers to him abroad but he turned them down saying that its not time for him to work abroad..from then we often fight over financial matters...i think he's just afraid to live in a new environment in a foreign country...another thing that's pissing me out is that he still has guts to drink out with his friends at come home late when i am taking care and tending our baby at night...also, i have a sideline job which i can only do during my freetime which is from 10 PM to 5AM......i really am tired of this life with him... we have a lot of differences but i tried to go down on his level specially in IQ and in how to deal with people...

for example, if cant understand a word or an explanation specially in english, i try to relate it to him in a layman's term..the effect on me is that i don't grow, ...what should i do...in terms of what i feel for him... 10 being the highest (deadly in love) and 1 for no feelings at all...i rate my feelings for him as between 3 and 4...can you help me on this?