Okay i'm not going to lie I used to be very intrigued with extra terrestrials and ufos and just space in general. However recently I had not been into it too much which is why I find it rather odd. The first dream I had that I can remember at least was very vivid i could swear it was real. Okay so it started off with me driving to my aunt's house for like a dinner party you know with the family. Now in this dream I must have been older because I drove to the party yet right now I only have my permit. I walk into the kitchen and dinner is being served, and I remember every dish and it's placement. There was salad all the way to the left, fish in the middle(baked to be exact), and a nice rice and chicken dish at the right. As unnecessary as that sounded im just trying to express how visual this was. Anyway I remember actually eating and TASTING the rice shortly after before i had two bites I hear something outside. I walk outside and there is literally thousands and thousands of ufos in the sky coming towards me. I don't know if this is symbolic or not, but this dream happened to me last year.

The second dream was within the last 4 months, and this one was very vivid as well although not so as the other one. Okay so I had just finished hanging out with two of my close friends, but one had to go home. So we had dropped him off, and now its just me and my friend driving. Its about late afternoon I would say and I was driving past the high school, and I see this literally gargantuan like enormous almost half a mile long ufo right above us. My friend was driving, but it was a flat black color, and man this thing was literally the biggest thing ever it looked like a flat black primerish color i would say.

These dreams have bothered me for a while now can anyone give me a bit of insight or share a simmilar story?