...Heinz-Christian Strache ? together polled more votes than any mainstream party. With the passing of Joerg Haider and the possible succession of Heinz-Christian Strache under a united party; I wonder if the 54% voter base will move from a moderate extreme position to an extreme right. With support growing in Switzerland and Belgium as well as the EU support (minus GB, Ireland) for withholding the return of embezzled US funds (with aid from Germany and Spain) – this bold, illegal move on Austria’s part must be addressed. The people of the United States of America want these funds returned that President Bush had the foresight to recognize as terrorist funds. Prime-minister Ohlmert, in his great wisdom, returned Sergei’s Courtyard. Prime-minister Putin, in his great wisdom, took immediate possession. Gentleman, shall we all proceed with an immediacy and procure detail for the immediate return of these funds?