
Lately I've been having weird dreams.. and the last two days were awful.. I'm so confused..

too days ago I had a dream... in that dream I was in my home and my mom was walking
on the coridor and she looked at my computer monitor and she noticed that there is a porn movie that
I've never seen so I just pushed her a bit and she kept walking.. and I think she saw what was on my monitor (weird..) and after it.. at the same time I was asleep I saw in my dream someone
from my class, who once was one of my best friends, and now our connection has ruined..
in my dream he said " did you see jake's(me) grandfather? he's probably going to die in
a month or a 100 days.." I don't know why.. but the same time he said that I pictured in my head
an image of my faternal grandfather.. and I have 2 grandfathers..
my faternal father is 85.. but he lives healthy and everything is okay with him..
I woked up a few minutes ago with another weird dream.. There was again, a porn movie
on my monitor..but nobody noticed, then I was in my classroom and my annoying teacher
spoke us of this porn.. and the worst part..I was somewhere outside.. and I was told that
my sister in the army died... and I felt so said and I cried in my dream..
you can see that the two dreams have the same ratio but just different people..

why does this keep happening?? PLEASE WHAT DO I NEED TO DO?

thanks to all helpers!!
