In the last couple of years, I've seen quite a few things that nobody believed me about until either a picture was taken and it showed up or until the person themself died. I keep seeing a grayish yellowish tone on these people that die within a couple of weeks. I don't know what it is or why I see it. And nobody believes me either. I tried to warn my ex husband's family of this when my mother in law died, eventually of a stroke. Nobody wanted to listen to me. I kept telling them to get her to a hospital. I was ignored (they're Pakistani). When she did die those two weeks later, it seemed to be the end of my marriage. my ex husband threw me down a flight of stairs while I was pregnant with our second child at 7 months (conceived 1 month after the mother's death). And he's been a total jerk ever since. Why am I seeing death and why did it destroy my marriage?