So for the past few years, I have wanted to be an engineer. I am a senior in high school, and all the colleges I am applying to are big in engineering (UMD, UVA, Vtech, UPenn, Cornell, PennState, Villanova). I am still fairly sure that I want to do something with engineering (specifically, I will probably do mechanical)

HOWEVER! I have been having thoughts about different fields/studies etc. In engineering, I have been thinking about a few different fields like biomedical or nanotechnology. In any case, I will probably decide the specific discipline of engineering in my first year or so of college?

But I have been having more thoughts about doing something with Business. Possibly something international, since I love traveling and I'm learning like 3 languages.

I am fairly certain that I want to major in engineering or something sciency-related. Would it make sense if I majored in Engineering as well as Business or International Relations or something?

(the reason why I ask is because sometimes you hear of people who major in like Biology and Art history for example, and it seems like a stupid combination.) Any ideas/suggestions????