Basically, I met my current partner while i was married. I split the equity in the house with my ex and have not and will not be making any claims on his pension. He is now with someone else anyway and expecting a baby so when he dies im sure all will go to his new partner. I took on quite a big mortgage in my own name because my current partner has his own business and we wanted to keep things separate if the business went wrong. Thing is, If my partner died everything goes to his children and his ex is beneficiary on his pension. We have spoken about him changing it but he doesn't - obviously i cannot force him, but she also has a big life insurance policy with him as well. I can understand that but I just feel like I am still the mistress - I have walked away from the financial security i had when i was married to now have none. I also work for my partners company so if he died i would also lose my monthly income. How can I make my future and the future of my son more secure. Right now i feel sick even thinking about it but i just feel like a mug,

The house is in my name and i pay the mortgage - he is 51 and i am 34 so the chances are he will die before me.