Um, recently I met a girl that I REALLY like. I plan to ask her out sometime but for now I'm just making friends with her.

But the other night I had a dream of her, a weird one (And I take dreams seriously). She was joining my freinds and I, which took me by suprise because she anti-social/Shy to the max. but when she came over she was very talkive and her body language showed no signs of shyness. I ingored it and started to flirt with her. At some point I notice that her right arm is amputated (which in reailty it's not). I was suprised but it didn't freak me out, I actually continured to flirt. Point being, I looked up what an amputated arm meant in a dream, I found the same aswers every where "To dream that your limbs are amputated represents a loss of an ability or skill that can never be regained. You harbour emotions of disappointment, weakness, and vulnerability. It may also be indicative of a certain matter or circumstance that you should have paid more attention to; it may have escalated to a dangerous point. In particular, to dream that your arms are amputated, suggests that don’t possess the desire or drive to accomplish a task. Dreaming that your legs are amputated may imply that you feel restricted and are unable to reach your goals in a satisfactory manner." (Passage from Now, I hope you can imagine this freaked me out, since I really like her, and all of these explainations can be possible. So do anyone have any advice how I should take this? I plan to pursue her but I'm afraid this dream will get in my way!