I can't choose between the hope of my heart (Best Friend) and the security of my future (Boyfriend).
I meet Best Friend about a year ago after breaking up with my X and it was instant rebound. Nothing but sex but then we became friends. We talk about our interests, I'm writing a book and he writes music. He recently just signed onto a local record label who got Avril Lavine up high. He plays for me and I help him out and he reads my stuff and helps me out. We also quit smoking weed together and take daily long walks. We're really close and I've fallen in love with him but the problem is I didn't realize how I felt about him until I started dating Boyfriend.
Best Friend though caring to me is self centered towards the rest of the world, he's 22 and still not even done high school. Even though I just love being with him where's the security of a future? Is laughter enough? I don't even know if he loves me back the way I love him.
Boyfriend is just graduating college and heading to university to be a lawyer. He's always volunteering for charities; big sports fan and really into politics, grade A husband material. He tries to be interested in my writing, share my passion for all types of music and have deep conversations but it's not the same.

Basically I'm in Love with my best friend and not my perfect boyfriend. But it’s hard to see a future with Best Friend when he doesn't take life seriously; I have to think of not only my future but my children’s future. With Boyfriend money and knowing he's only mine will never be an issue but he'll never be the man I'm head over heels for.
Please ask for any additional info you need, I'm stuck and I'm really not one of those girls who is centered around her love life or turns to Cosmo for the answers. I don't want to break Boyfriend's heart for nothing but how could I live my life always wondering what if?