I had a dream two nights ago that I was just laying in the dark crying...as if I would be turned inside out. It was just me and I kept getting images of my father and my sister. Then yesterday something happened that made me realize something, that I think if I had realized when I was younger....I really think I wouldn't have been able to handle it. When it hit me yesterday, it hurt a lot, but it was like....something in me knew it would be okay to understand and realize it now. It hurts, but I can see how my whole family was in pain. Funny thing...I only just came to a place...literally...where I would be able to handle this and then my unconscious mind let me remember it.

I partially wrote this just to start getting little pieces of it out of my head so I can play with them more, and for therapy lol. The details are not important for the purposes of this question.

Has anyone else ever had something similar happen? Anyone want to explain any ways that you feel your unconscious mind recalled something for you in a seemingly serendipitous, but actually very...controlled way? Did you feel like you did a lot of the grieving process through your dream and that it may have been safer that way? Any little details that stand out or...basically anything on similar experience