So last night I had a dream I was down by a boardwalk next to the ocean doing some photography and suddenly a group of people came rushing by, curious to know what's going on I joined the group and looked over the railing to see a whale swimming by but I noticed a massive flesh wound on the whale and in the crowd a woman in a diving suit was holding a large fin, she said "Someone cut off it's fin.". The flesh wound really disturbed me but I followed the lady to see where she was going, it then skipped to a scene where the whale was leaning it's head near the railing so I bent over and realized the whale was now white and the flesh wound was now on it's head. So I took a red plastic cup and poured water over the wound and other people started to do the same.

And that's where the dream ended. Does this mean anything, a whale that was being hunted?

Please and thank you. (: