I dreamt about an old best friend. I mean she considered me her BEST FRIEND but we had just met each other (this isn't the dream this is what actually happened) I met her in 6th grade her name is Karen It's weird cause the moment I saw her I was talking with this one girl that knew her and I felt this vibe between karen and me. I don't know. But we ended up getting the same classes and we started talking and became "best friends" she was a good girl and then she started changing doing stuff an 11 year old shouldn't be doing. (remember this was back in 6h grade). and then they switched her classes and we just stopped talking. She stopped talking to me and I stopped talking to her. And I would feel like she really didn't like me after we stopped talking. for whatever reason.So anyways we were only "best friends" for like 3 months so I wouldn't call it best friends. Well I'm going into 8th grade so it will be about 2 years since I met her. And the last time we talked like for real was at the end of 6th grade. the last time I saw her was the last day of 6th grade. But I dreamt about her last night. I hadn't talked about her in like 6 months. I hadn't even thought about her and I dreamt about her.

This is how the dream went:
For some reason she was in the car with me and my dad. She was crying. And I turned around and told her "why do you hate me so much?" and she started crying even more and was like "YOU DONT GET IT IT'S COMPLICATED" and I told her "well i know we haven't talked in a long time but you can tell me" and she did tell me but I forgot what she said and we got to our house so when we opened the door I just told her "I will always be here for you" and thats it. :// end of the dream.

But she has had a really complicated life and stuff. She's made some bad choices and her mom never really cared about her &+ her dad lives in another state.

So I dont know what this means any help?