You had finished reading a book after you answer all questions. not some or a few. you MUST answer all questions!

1. Dylan noticed a dead man's body after
a. climbing up the roof of a church
b. opening the restaurant's bathroom door
c. diving off a deck into the water
d. walking around an alley near a parking lot

2.What was Nate's explanation to Gracie for what he had left home?
a. He was dodging a military draft and planned to return when it was safe.
b. He had been falsely accused of burglary but couldn't prove his innocence.
c. He thought he was manic-depressive and didn't want to ruin her life.
d. He could get rich in another town and then return home.

3.What did Gracie discover that Shay had been hiding from her?
a. She owned a house with Nate.
b. Her father had once worked for the Monvor company.
c. She didn't plan to write a will.
d. She had once been engaged to Hank Hobbs.

4. When Gracie was at the house Jeff had bought, Franklin said that ---.
a. Hank had left a will inside the house
b. the Starbucks cup she had found belonged to William Applegate
c. the Founders Realty office had been vandalized
d. he would be turning the house over to another realtor

5.Betsy claimed she broke off her engagement to Hank because ---.
a. he had been married three times before, and each marriage was brief
b. her parents feared he was a criminal and pressured her to do it
c. she was afraid people would think she loved him solely for his money
d. she believed he would have been happier with a more educated woman

6. Joe wondered if Mason was involved in Hank's murder when he found ---.
a. a receipt for surfboard in Mason's jacket
b. a cell phone in Hank's boat with a message from Nate on it
c. a capsule that was the same brand found in Mason's house
d. an angry letter from Mason inside a desk at Hank's house

7. What did Gracie and Joe notice after Gracie took a shower at home?
a. A muddy footprint was outside the bathroom door.
b. The bathroom mirror had been smashed.
c. A bloodstained piece of cloth was in the sink.
d. The drain stopper in the shower had been sealed shut.

8. What is one thing Ryan discovered about Nate's aunt Jane on the Internet?
a. She was born in Rhode Island but lived in Texas most of her life.
b. She had died in 1961, before Nate was born.
c. Her estate went to an animal hospital after she died.
d. Her family had funded a new dormitory at the college she attended.

9. One thing Gracie found while searching through Nate's files was a ---.
a. threatening letter from Cheryl Anne Hinker
b. diploma from a college in Washington state
c. request for a patent that was signed by Rachel
d. photo of Nate with Jeff at a party

10. What did Gracie do when Jeff wanted her to help him haul Billy's body?
a. She took a lighter from her jacket and set Billy's body on fire.
b. She pushed a shovel into Jeff's stomach and ran.
c. She escaped into Jeff's car and locked all the doors.
d. She tripped Jeff and used the sled rope to tie him up.