Basically, my friend's main interest is conspiracy theories. He listens to Alex Jones, reads prison planet, thinks there are fema concentration camps, and he sold all his possessions to move to Argentina. I thought he was going there to study abroad, but he just told me he was going to escape an "American holocaust" he is convinced will happen in February(!)

I never cared this was his interest, cause no one trusts the government, and I didn't know he really took it this far. The thing is, nobody can evaluate a conspiracy theory, so there is no point brandishing it like you have knowledge. My question is, what attracts people to that? Do they want to feel better than everyone else, knowing what they think is the real operation of the world?

He says a lot of offensive things too. Like he knows the earthquake in China was China demonstrating its earthquake technology on its own people. And he doesn't see this is offensive to hear shit like this all the time. I don't get what makes someone act this way..
Thank you for the replies, very interesting. He does say things (non conspiracy related) provocatively as possible at times, so it's funny you say that. To the person who says he is trying to help me: he was going to move to Argentina and only told me about the 'holocaust' when his plans fell through - not very caring, but I suppose I could see I wouldn't have believed him anyway. Also, part of the annoying thing is that he springs this crap on me like I'm supposed to come up with a defense. I don't care to argue about chem-trails. There are FEMA camp locations, but nobody knows it's for holocaust...