(Warning: Typos)

I'm going to say what each line could mean

The ill-gotten crown will fall by kin, Born as one soul but as two skins.
(The crown taken by killing the last ruler will be taken by family members, the twins)

The throne will be gained by lies, one child cursed to be demised.
(Lies will get the twins to the throne, who the lies are for and who lies isn't said but one of the twins is fated to die while the other gains the throne)

The eye sees not the deed, But by eighteenth winter's end ascend will the seed.
(The King will never see the event coming because he thought he had full control over one of the twins and that would save him, one of the two must take the crown and become king before/on their 18th birthday)

Tainted crown upon brow will rest, be it life or be it death?
(A once blooded crown is blooded again by the king's death but is wore by his heir, will that child bring life to the land or will it bring death?)

I want to make sure certains things are said.

1: The king will be killed by his child
2: the child could be one or both of twins
3: One or both of the twins will be lied to and tricked through the story.
4: One of the twins will die.
5: One of the twins will become King by or before they are 18/are adults.
6: Points out that the new King can either be a good and king kind or a evil king, depending on his upbringing.

The story behind the prophecy is that when a man by the name of Drakul(Dra-cool) attacks and kills the reining queen of the land of Isstania(East-on-ne-a) and becomes the reining King. The late queen had been a magic user, as were many of her subjects, Drakul had these subjects killed to ensure that the only magic left was under his control. The queen's adviser and well-known prophet escaped though, but not before foretelling the new King's fate through the above prophecy. He was never found after he escaped.

After claiming his throne, Drakul took the late queen's daughter(Sky) as his wife, letting her live only because he was captivated by her beauty. Many years later Sky became pregnant with Drakul's first born. It later became known that she was to have twins, Drakul's adviser's realized then what "Born as one soul but as two skins" meant and was that one or both of his children would be the death of him. My novel is the following of one of the two twins.

The time setting is NOT on Earth as I'm sure you guessed, and it's a world of magic and the laws and rules are different then our own. With the back story behind the prophecy known, I wanted to know what people thought of it. What they see and think when they read it.
Here is the link to the basic story, was to long to fit in with the above -_-; Please read it since I spend time writing it <.<;

spent time*