My best friend recently spoke to a Catholic priest about her problems. She then mentioned me and how she was worried about me being tired all the time and how I had recently had these temporary paranoid feelings about losing my mother that caused me to break down (my mother has always been healthy, not sure why I was feeling this way). So in turn, the priest said that I was tired because I have a "gift of reading" peoples' energy and that is order to tame this, I needed a cleansing of some sort (did not really understand the rest) and as for the response about my mother, the priest said that my feelings were right and that I SHOULD be prepared to lose someone close.

When I told this to someone else, they said this appeared to be sacrilege and that does not seem appropriate for a priest to say that sort of thing.

Is this true or is this right? I'm not taking it too seriously, I'm definitely just curious.