So one of my favorite series is Warriors. The story about cats living in Clans. I had tried to write a fan fiction twice and failed both times. This time im determined to make this one work. Last time i tried to write a fan fiction i made it exactly like the actual books but change up the characters and that didn't really work out as i planned. This time I'm writing it my own way. Whole new cast of characters, whole new idea for a story line, annnnnd i don't even have a prophecy yet. That's the key to the story. My main character is a newly appointed apprentice named Maplepaw. Shes been in love with a cat named Icepaw who's a moon older than her. Maplepaw has one brother, Darkpaw, who looks nothing like her (raising suspicions) and her best friend is named Pricklepaw. I still kept the same territory and clans because its something i know i can elaborate on. So it's every cat's dream to become leader of a clan but Maplepaw has moments where she feels as though she is not herself and controls a number of cats. She grows power hungry and one of the two main conflicts is where she battles herself to keep her loyalty and respect. She soon finds herself deputy and waits impatiently for the leader, Owlstar, to die. The other conflicts are of course little battles between the clans, battles with weather, hunger, sickness, and two legs. But the other main conflict is there's a mysterious cat killing the kits and apprentices of all four clans, leaving either three or four left and completely demolishing the kits. It all happens in the night though. Also the main issue is sickness, which also weakens the clan (mostly WindClan). I need to figure out something that can go along with the mysterious night killer, a foreshadowing out break of disease, and Maplepaw looking nothing like her father, mother, or brother. Its a lot to handle, i know but i need prophecy and quick because i've started the story already. Thanks!