One of my dear friends, who lives a few hours away, is getting married this weekend and I'm going to be a bridesmaid. She's never met my husband in person before, but this afternoon we were all on messenger at the same time. She asked me to get him to add her so she could "introduce" herself, which I did, thinking nothing of it. Now she's flirting with him! I don't know exactly what's being said, but all of a sudden she can't wait to meet him and thinks he's hilarious. When I asked my husband if she was flirting with him he said that she was, and asked me if I wanted him to tell her to stop. I told him no, becuase I'm not worried about him leaving me for her or anything. Should I be annoyed about this? I mean, she IS getting married in two days, and I know she loves her husband-to-be-....or at least, I'd like to think she does, and I'd like to think that she's just enjoying her last couple of days being an unmarried woman. If that's the case, I wouldn't have a problem with it. But I don't want to be stupid about it either. Regardless of whether or not he'd leave me for her, am I wrong in thinking that it's just a tad disrespectful of her? I knnow she's getting married soon but that's MY husband! Would it be an overreaction on my part to tell her to lay off right now, or should I just wait until after she's married and see if it continues?