I'm not a huge Bush supporter, but y do Democrats always believe George Bush knew about 9/11, or attacked Iraq for Oil. Either it's gullibility, ignorance, or foolishness. But when it comes to the Dems' little holy angle Barack Obama, he's never done anything wrong. What do u Dems think about the possibility of ur perfect candidate being a socialist? Or hanging out with multiple terrorists ... or is that just coincidence?! How about the distinct similarities between Bill Ayers writing style and Barack Obama's. Or even the alleged notion that Obama wasn't even born in the United States. Even though the liberal media doesn't report on this information often, does it bother u Dems that Obama is such a murky, troubling individual! Or do u not care because his voice is so hypnotizing?

In reference to Obama's birth certificate, the Obama campaign refuses to release it. No one really knows if Obama was born in Kenya or the United States, but nonetheless B.O. is running for Mr. P!