my brothers girlfriend asked us to look after her 3 month old kitten for abit, weve had her for about 2 weeks and at first we noticed she had all the symptoms of worms so we gave her a dewormer (vet suggested) because we have a 1 year old cat and they are sharing a litter box...and also because obviously we were trying to help her...anyway, she keeps having 4 times a day some of the stools are soft but some are really liquidy, she also always seems hungry but i kind of brushed this off as when my cat was a kitten he always begged for food, and he's fine now, we are feeding her premium kitten dry food, and the vet said they don't need wet food with this, and it's what weve been feeding our cat since we got him...i don't know what she was eating at my brothers girlfriends house but i know she cleaned the litter box like every 5 days and fed her like cheap food from the supermarket...ok so could anything be wrong with her or is this normal or what?