URGENT!!! Chicken-Hawk Chick (Australia)

My father and I noticed some chickenhawks in slight distress about their chick/s so we climbed onto the back of our ute and peered inside the nest. To our surprise there was only 1 and it had its leg tightly grasped in a gap of wood. Me and my father both being animal lovers couldn't bare to see it in such pain so we got its foot out and inspected. It seems to be cut all around (dry and bleeding blood), yellow and swollen. The poor creatures actual leg has compleatly twisted around and it has no movement in that leg anymore. The leg was in horrible condition and appears (due to the dry blood and the cuts in the leg being extreemly deep) that it has been like that for several days. We put it back in the nest to try and not frighten the parents too much and we were off. Also this whole process was fairly quick and the parents flew straight back in. We are worried about the baby (age unknown, but it has some wing feathers) and if we leave it, it may never be able to catch prey properly and therefore die. If we take it, not only will the parents stress, but we don't know what to feed it and how to treat its leg.

We live in the middle of nowhere, literally, and so taking it to a vet or anything (and its Sunday to so that also adds) is just simply not possible.

Please answer ASAP! This is urgent!

- Sheridan