I asked this the other night and some reason it says the question was deleted. So I am gonna try this again. I got some interesting answers before the question disappeared. So this time I am gonna post 3 dogs. One male and two females.

There has been alot of talk lately about AmStaff's & APBT's. Bloodlines, duel registering etc. American Bulldogs, mastiffs. All kinds of good stuffs.

So I thought it would be interesting and educating to see what the opinions are on these three dogs and what you think they are. I will tell you this will be interesting cause some of the answers I got last time were way out there.

NOTE: People on here like to throw the word Staffy, Staffie around. When you use that word to me I assume you are talking about a Staffordshire Bull Terrier.
AmStaff is an American Staffordshire Terrier.


Picture TWO & 3 are same dog, including two pics of this one.

