After great deliberation, we finally decided to have our Dobermann spayed because we realised whilst we would love for her to have puppies, we don't have the space or time for them. And, as one her favourite activities is playing with other dogs in the park, we didn't want her to be deprived of this due to being in season. So, we made the decision to spay her. At first, she seemed like her perky self but now she is going through what we think is a phantom pregnancy. She keeps looking for something, whimpering. She'll pick up a toy and cry, like she is grieving (we think) because she thinks it is a dead puppy. She paws it and tries to get it to move. I don't know how to deal with it. Some sources say to comfort them and not leave them alone, others say to not comfort them and leave them to it. Has anyone else gone through the same thing and what did you do? What can you recommend?