So for about the past month or so,my two dogs have been getting out of our backyard. We have had to pick them up from the pound almost twice now. It seems like everyday people are calling asking if this is our dog. We have done everything to keep them from getting out.Fixed holes,fixed fences and they are still finding ways out. My 4 year old border collie has knocked off the bottom of a fence to get to the dog next door & my 1 year old Chihuahua can fit threw anything.
& right now we are stuck either putting them outside and risking them getting out again or we can leave them in the house and risk them peeing and tearing something up or i thought maybe we could put them in then garage with food water and puppy pads or something like that with their beds and what not until i get home at 2:50. They would only be in there for like 7-8 hours & but someone would be able to come home and let them out for like 30 or so minutes.
I just don't know which one is best for them.

Please let me know your opinions.