My dog was stuck in a cage his whole life so everytime we leave he thinks were leaving him.So he'll start jumping in front of me truly to get me to pick him up. He only does it to me and yesterday he ripped holes in it. It isn't a big deal I'm just curious. We also call him Houdini because he does magic sometimes. When we first got him and was putting him in a cage to train him he'd open it with his mouth. One funny thing he did is(his name is bandit) he pulled ny dads wallet out of his pocket and ran with it. Oh and if we put books in the front of the cave to stop him he'd jump on his hindlegs and open the top. In the last few years he calmed down a bit but a while ago we put a cage so he and my other dog wouldn't get in the garbage. When we get home we see him in the kitchen and not the other dog. So we sent up a camera to see what he does and he CLIMBS up the fence. I find it funny and cool and I'm wondering if you dogs ever do that or anything strange