Before you tell me... I am taking him to the vet first thing in the morning.. but its midnight now and im scared to death.

Ive noticed the past few days that he hasnt been the same crazy active dog he normally is.. he doesnt "dance" for me (he usually goes up on two legs alot) and he spends alot of time in quiet spots resting. I orginally just took this as him adjusting to our new home.

Well tonight.. I went to pick him up by under his front legs and place him on my shoulder.. and he just absolutely cried out in pain. He is now resting inside a blanket on the floor is a VERY hesistant to move.

There is no limp or anything... which rules out leg problems and there are no physical injuries i can see. Hes eating fine and going potty fine so i know hes probably not sick.

Can you think of anything else besides a broken rib? Perhaps back problems/spine problems? Anyone ever experienced anything like this? What kind of treatment should i expect?

Im just so worried about my little guy! thanks!