We have this cat, we found her around 3-4 years ago. She has always been a rather secluded cat-she likes people but doesnt seek attention. She stays to herself. She does so to the point that is just strange. She will live in one room of the house for months at a time. And when i say live in i mean she stays in that room and does not come out-ever. She started in our laundry room. We had to keep bringing her food/water/litterbox in there. She stayed there for probably 3-4 months. If you pick her up and take her 2-3 rooms away she would bolt back into her room as soon as you put her down. She moved on from there to another room-restroom i believe. Then after 3-4 months she moved into one of the bedrooms and so on.
Once again-once she picks herself a room she dares not to leave it-not even for a minute and if you move her away from it she goes running back in as fast as she can.

We just put her food in whatever room she has picked to stay in to keep her happy, but i just find this strange. Anyone ever seen a cat act like this? I thought they were suppose to roam around.