I went into a pet store two days ago to buy a beta fish. I walked into the store and went to the reptile and fish section. I looked around at all the betas, there were about 30 beta fish 1 in its own tank, i looked at the tank some were so dirty that i had troubles evan finding the fish, all the fish's colors were faded, and about 3 of them were floating on the top bellyup. They looked like they were sick and hadnt been fed either (not that you can really tell) I looked at some of the other tanks for some of the other fish and in one was a dirty plastic bag. I turned to the reptile side.

I looked at one of the lizards that was about 6 inches long head to tail and his leg was sliced open and bleeding, and it was in the tank with 6 other lizards. The pet store was dirty and some of the fishes tanks were very dirty.

I am going to call the pet store and inform them of this problem.
But is there any hotline i can call to tell them about this store?

Kind of like health department but for animals?
I purchased one of the fish, and since i took him out of that hellhole his color has been more shiny and virbant and he is swimming around alot more than he did and alot more than all of the other fish did.