Here is a video of them kissing in real life:
I mean they went 2 years working hard to make it seem as if they don't go out and suddenly we see them making out/cuddling/going into hotel rooms together late at night.. I mean what got me the most is when Kristen completly post poned her movie filming to go to L.A with Robert and stay at his house with him. WTF? Why all of a sudden?? :P I really heart Kstew and RObsten but I am beginning to think this is a big fat publicity stunt. I've always wanted Robsten to be real. Please don't leave mean answers it's just a waste of your time. But this is a bit weird. Ya know, out of nowhere type thing, What do you guys think?

I think your right, Music Speaks! I will vote you best answer once this closes. Thanks : )