My sister got mad at me at a band competition when she saw that i was kissing my boyfriend. She separated us by telling 2 guys to ask us what time it was to stop us from cuddling.... When i asked my sister's boyfriend why she did that, he told me that she was furious and upset that I did that and he also said that I shouldn't be doing stuff like that, but the both of them were kissing or making out during the competition too. I only get to see my boyfriend 2 times a week and now that marching season is over I don't know when I'll get to see him. I feel like i have the right to be with him, hold his hand, hug and kiss him, but it just upsets me that we can't even hold hands without my sister glaring at him. I know one reason is that it probably grosses people out to see a couple together (depending on what they're doing) but i really want to know if and why pda is bad.