Its a bit old I think based on a true story, its about a doctor who founds out a cure for a disease against the vegetable state. Here are some scenes:

*At the beginning I THINK, it might not be in the movie but I THINK that there was a boy called leonardo and he couldn't speak, but scratched his name on a bench while playing with friends. THis might be inother movie, I kinda mixed them up* Anyway:

1st. He has to treat a patient, and this is a grandma, who couldn't speak, coudn't talk and couldn't move. Like she's paralysed. He notices that she can't respond BUT when her glasses fell off, she has reflexes. She quickly holds the glasses, just above the ground.

2nd. He meets another patient who was a male, and i forgo this condition.

3rd. He gathers all the patients around, like the granny, and he threw a ball, and they all starting playing catch ball. He explains to the other doctors but they are not shocked by his discovery.

4th. The doctor observes them in a cafeteria. And the granny from before walks to the cafeteria with a patternet floor. She stops when the patterned floor isn't patterent anymore. So the doctor decided to try painting the floor into patterend and to his amazement the granny continues walking.

5th. He makes enormous discovereies (I forgot) and one the patient wakes up. He was the male and for some reason they all wake up.

6th. He makes his discoveries and was congratulated. He then decides to show the patient the outside world. WHich is visiting gardens

7th. THe paitined are depressed because they miss their childhood which was gone because they were stuck in the vegetable state. Couldn't move and couldn't walk.

8th. Suddenly they all become paralyse again. And I forgot the ending.

Well thats all I remember. I hope someone could tell me the name of the movie. And who the doctor who found out the cure was. Thanks!