I remember watching (and loving!) a movie when I was a child, but I can't remember what it was! I remember watching it in the late 80's, so it can't be any newer than that.
Here are the details that I can remember...

- A bunch of different people find out that there is a big stash of money hidden somewhere in the country, and they all go on a wild goose chase to find it. And I'm pretty sure that it's like a scavenger hunt: they get clues from one place to the next to the next to the next, etc...

- At some point in time, some of the people trying to find the money find a clue inside a fish tank in someone's home. I think they have to lift up a little ship inside the fish tank, and then they find their next clue.

- Towards the end of the movie, all of the people are at a huge, brick wall, and the money is hidden behind one of the bricks.

That's about all I can remember. And I'm pretty sure the movie is a comedy.